Climies Track - Best ridden from South to North
Trial Harbour to Granville Harbour - allow 2 hours one way.
This route follows an old 18 km long 4WD track that used to connect the two shack towns but which has now had so many bridges collapse it is only passable to those on foot, bike or full on 4WD with recovery gear. source TassieRambler If you do an out and back, we suggest you ride from Granville Harbour to get the worse direction out of the way first. This will make it a 36 km round trip and take between 3 - 4 hours. This ride is open to the extreme weather and WIND of the west coast, as you are right on the coast. It will either be a really great day or S^*T! Last supplies are at Zeehan including public toilets. You can ride out from Zeehan, which will take you just overna hour. Zeehan has a nice little tunnel to explore as well and is part of the Wildside race. See tracknotes here Other Zeehan Info
Carols on Main - Coffee shop (6471 6709) Pittstop Cafe (64716584); 24 hours fuel Zeehan RSL Dinner - Thurs, Frid, and Saturday nights only Phone 6471 6159 for bookings. (limited seating) Zeehan Hardware Store (64716201) Gillies Garage (64716241) Zeehan Pharmacy (64716503) IGA supermarket; (64716302) Crib Hut (64716122) Zeehan Medical Centre (64716262); |